zodiac signs pt 1

                        ZODIAC SIGNS


Aries is the first zodiac sign in the zodiac, spanning  the first 30 degrees of celestial longitude, and originates from the Aries constellation. This zodiac signs element is fire, the people who are born between March 20th to April 20th has Aries as their zodiac sign . The ruling planet of this sign is mars and it symbolizes is ram. The personality of Aries is confident, passionate and motivated.


Taurus is the second zodiac sign in the zodiac and it's ruling planet is Venus. The element this zodiac sign has is earth and it symbolizes the bull. The people who have taurus as their zodiac sign are born on the dates between April 20 to May 21. The personality of taurus are stubborn, bullheaded but they are also great listeners and they are also talkative and handworkers. 


Gemini is the third zodiac sign in the zodiac and it symbolizes
twins. The element of this sign is air and its ruling planet is mercury. People who have the zodiac sign Gemini are born on the dates between May 21 to June 21. The personality of Gemini is playful and curious they have variety and unique passions, hobbies and more. They are also really trustworthy and talkative they can talk about mostly any subject in an interesting way. 


Cancer is the fourth zodiac sign in the zodiac and it symbolizes a crab and the element of this zodiac sign is water. The ruling planet of this sign is the moon. People who have the zodiac sign cancer are born on the dates between June 22 and July 22. The personality of cancer is emotional ,sensitive, nurturing and sometimes insecure. Most of the cancers are introverts. 


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