Zodiac Sign pt 3{final pt}

 Zodiac sign


Sagittarius is the ninth zodiac sign in the zodiac and it's ruling planet is Jupiter. The element of this zodiac sign is fire and it symbolizes the archer. The people who have Sagittarius as their zodiac sign  are born on the dates between November 22 to December 22. The personality of  Sagittarius's are that they are lively, passionate, entertainers and they are really smart.


Capricorn is the tenth zodiac sign of the zodiac and its ruling planet is Saturn. The element of this zodiac sign is earth and it symbolizes the sea goat. The people who have Capricorn as their zodiac sign are born on the dates between December 22 to January 20. The personality of Capricorn's are that they are sensitive, overachievers, persistent and most of them are introverts. 


Aquarius is the eleventh zodiac sign in the zodiac and its ruling planet is Uranus. The element of this zodiac sign is air and it symbolizes water-bearer. The people who have Aquarius as their zodiac sign are born on the dates between January 20 to February 18. The personality of Aquarius's is that they are advanced, exceptional and self reliant.


Pisces is the twelfth and final zodiac sign in the zodiac and its ruling planet is Neptune. The element of this zodiac sign is water and it symbolizes fish. The people who have Pisces as their zodiac sign are born on the dates between February 18 to March 20. The personality of Pisces's are that they are compassionate, creative, loving and creative.    


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