Zodiac sign pt 2

Zodiac Signs


Leo is the fifth zodiac sign of the zodiac and the ruling planet of this sign is the sun. The element of this sign is fire and it symbolizes the lion. People who have the zodiac sign Leo are born on the dates between July 23 to August 22. The personality of Leo's is that they are confident, ambitious, loyal, big hearted and generous. Leo's are also not very talkative.


Virgo is the sixth zodiac sign of the zodiac and it's ruling planet is Mercury. The element of this zodiac sign is earth and it symbolizes a young maiden carrying a sheaf of wheat. The people who have Virgo as their zodiac sign are born on the dates between August 23 to September 22. The personality of Virgo's are that they are loving, modest and sympathetic.


Libra is the seventh zodiac sign in the zodiac and it's ruling planet is Venus. The element of this planet is air and it symbolizes the scales. The people who have libra as their zodiac sign are born on the dates between September 23 to October 22. The personality of libra's are smart, honest, trust worthy and compassionate. 


Scorpio is the eight zodiac sign in the zodiac and it's ruling planet is Mars and Pluto. The element of this zodiac sign is water and it symbolizes an scorpion. The people who have Scorpio as their  zodiac sign are born on the dates between October 23 to November 21. The personality of Scorpios are that they are strong, smart and mostly cunning and mysterious.


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